• Przepisy

        • Fruit salad with lemon balm prepared by Marcin

          1 small watermelon
          1 melon
          3 peaches
          bunch of grapes
          lemon balm
          1 lemon

          How to prepare

          -cut fruit
          -put all fruit into a glass bowl
          -sprinkle with lemon juice
          -add chopped lemon balm




          Vegetable salad with yogurt sauce prepared by Filip
          1 lettuce
          1 cucumber
          1 corn in a can
          1 pepper
          eatable flowers for decoration.


          How to prepare

          -rinse the vegetables: pepper, cucumber, lettuce

          -remove the corn from a can then slice cucumber and pepper

          -tear lettuce leaves into smaller pieces

          -mixed all together

          -put on a plate and serve with yogurt sauce

          -decorate with marigold flowers.






          Yoghurt sauce prepared by Filip     Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania sos jogurtowy z ziołami

          200 g of Greek yogurt

          1 teaspoon of mustard

          1 tablespoon of lemon juice


          a bunch of parsleybunch of chives

          1/2 teaspoon dried oregano

          1/2 teaspoon dried thyme

          1/4 teaspoon of sugar

          salt and pepper to taste


          How to prepare

          Mix all ingredients together serve with salad and meat




          Chicken breast with herbs prepared by Aneta


          1kg of chicken breast

          bear's garlic

          salt and pepper

          powder of sweet red pepper


          How to prepare
          -wash and dry the meat

          -cut the meat into strips and put into a bowl
          -add herbs salt, pepper and sweet red pepper
          -mix together
          -heat the oil in a frying pan then add meat
          -fry until browned


          Serve with rice, potatoes or with only lettuce and yoghurt sauce.




          Lemon lemonade with fresh mint prepared by  Marcin


          1 lime
          1 lemon
          3 sprigs of fresh mint
          50 mil honey

          50 g sugar
          some ice cubes
          spring water


          How to prepare

          - citrus wash in warm water
          - cut fruit into thin slices
          - put a few slices of fruit away
          - others slices of fruit put on the bottom of the jug and pour honey with sugar
          - crush the fruit with sugar and honey
          - let stand a jug for 10 minutes
          - then throw the rest of the fruit and mint to the jug and add ice cubes
          - fill a jug with water
          - stir


          Finally you can serve in glasses to your guests.



          Pasta with spinach and chicken in cream sauce


          -200 g pasta

          -large chicken breast

          -2 onions

          -600 g of fresh spinach

          -300 g of 12% cream

          -2 cloves of garlic

          - some cheese to sprinkle





          How to prepare:

          Cut chicken into small pieces and throw into the pan.

          Fry for 2-3 minutes. Then add onion and garlic and fry 5-6 minutes.

          Add cream, spices and simmer 2-3 minutes.

          At the end add the washed spinach, simmer 2-3 minutes, mix thoroughly.


          Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania makaron ze szpinakiem i kurczakiem

    • Kontakty

      • Szkoła Podstawowa Nr 1 im. Bohaterów Westerplatte w Starej Wsi
      • (18)3329291
      • Stara Wieś 549
        34- 600 Limanowa
      • Osoby wnoszące wnioski i skargi przyjmowane są, po wcześniejszym uzgodnieniu telefonicznym, w następujących terminach: Wtorek w godzinach od 11:20-12:20 - dyrektor szkoły;
        Środa w godzinach od 10.00 do 11.00 - wicedyrektor.
        Skargi i wnioski przyjmowane są wyłącznie w formie pisemnej lub ustnie z wpisem do protokołu. Nie rozpatruje się skarg i wniosków nie zawierających imienia, nazwiska oraz adresu wnoszącego a także skarg i wniosków wnoszonych telefonicznie.
      • poniedziałek - piątek: 7.30- 15.30
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